Enrolment process

Tea Tree Gully Primary School caters for students Reception to Year 6. There are approximately 113 students enrolled at Tea Tree Gully.

The classes are organised in a variety of ways depending on enrolment numbers, circumstances and teachers. In 2025 we have a Reception class, Year 1 and Year 2 class, Year 3 class, Year 4 class and a Year 5 and Year 6 class. We also have 1 junior primary class in our Disability Unit.

Visit the school enrolment section on the department’s website for more information.

Enrolment and transition from 2024

Currently, if your child turns 5 before 1 May they can start reception term 1 of that year. If they turn 5 between 1 May and 31 October, they can start reception in term 3 (mid-year). After 31 October they can start reception in the following year in term 1. Children who start reception at the beginning of the year will generally complete 4 terms of reception, while children who start reception through the mid-year intake will complete 6 terms of reception.

Parents who are negotiating Kindy commencement need to plan for the year of Kindergarten to commence the year before they are eligible to start school. Please see Kathleen Mellor Kindergarten or the Kindergarten where you plan to enrol your child, to arrange the details of Kindy commencement.

At Tea Tree Gully Primary School, we endeavour to have children transitioning into the class (or with the teacher) where they will commence school. However, this is not always possible due to staff changes and staffing for the following year.

The transition visits begin in 2nd and 4th term prior to your child beginning school to give them ample time to experience school life and routines.

Once you have completed an enrolment form, details of the transition program and dates will be forwarded via your child’s kindy or via mail.

Beginning school is an important event. Children are usually excited and eager to begin school as they have heard about it from kindergarten teachers, parents, siblings and friends.

To support your child with transition to school we provide a comprehensive series of visits, gradually building in length of time over 3 weeks.

Overview of transition visits

Visit 1: 9am – 10.30am
Visit 2: 9am – 12pm
Visit 3: 9am – 1pm

Visits are usually planned for Friday Mornings in weeks 6, 7 and 8 of term 4. Letters go home by Week 4 informing parents of times and transition dates.

During the second and third visit, children have the opportunity to eat recess and have play time at school. During the first visit, there is also a meeting for parents to hear about the school and its educational program and to discuss ways you can support your child’s learning at home.

Classroom teachers are also released to visit Kindy prior to children beginning transition. This allows them to meet the children in a familiar environment and to discuss your child’s development with Kindy staff.

School tours

As a prospective parent you may like the opportunity to tour the school, view the facilities, hear the school philosphy and priorities for development and ask any questions that you may have.

We would welcome the opportunity to show you through the school. Please ring the school directly to book a date and time so that one of our leadership team can show you through the school.


We would like to receive completed enrolment forms at least six months before your child’s start day. Enrolment forms are available from the school’s front office.

If you would like to submit an expression of interest, you can do so via the link: Registration of Interest Form Reception (education.sa.gov.au)

Things your child will require at school

  • School bag.
  • Legionnaire hat or slouch hat.
  • School Uniform – bottle green or gold top and black pants/shorts.
  • Art Smock – to protect clothing, all children will need a long sleeved art smock, which they can put on themselves. We suggest elasticised cuffs and either elastic or velcro at the neck.
  • Drink bottle and lunch box – all named.